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Whoa, Ben! David sowed me your topic this morning and I just plowed through it! It really is unbelievable, the ongoing scam we are subjected to by way of needing/wanting to use electronic "communication" techniques, materials, services, etc.! My current run the dog whistle up the flag pole has to do with Microsoft 365 (which may or may not be its current legal title) for which I kept getting notifices I had to subscribe -- and now that that dishonesty has been dealt with, I have started getting notices that the subscription is about to expire (which as far as I know is nonsense). Nevermind that the product itself is a rigid, unforgiving, unworkable piece of technical crud. I can remembe not that long ago being able to make my own decisions about font, format, etc. etc. etc. OK, I'm off my high hobby horse! Thank you for listening! // Except for comm annoyances, how are you doing? You survived the rain in southern Florida? We are riding out the 90 degree days with almost no rain . . . but most fun of al: the biggest deer I have ever seen has taken to showing up in our yard to eat the tops of the violets in the vegetable garden. She is a beauty. I'll get David to send you a pic... God bless you.

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